The black, glistening eyes of my dog Daisy stare adoringly at Ed. She sits with her paws neatly tucked under her body while her tail flaps back and forth like a feathery fan.
Ed and Ruth have come over to my house for tea and to discuss some new ministry ideas. Without fail, my dog becomes extremely excited when Ed comes for a visit. I’ve noticed that Ed has a way with animals. Maybe it’s a natural affinity, or maybe it comes from spending a lot of his childhood visiting his family’s ranch, but either way, it’s a lot of fun to watch him interact with them.
I point to my dog as Ed and Ruth sip their tea. “Do you remember the time she heard you on TV?” I ask. Ed laughs and Ruth says, “Oh yes, I remember you told us! I can’t believe she knew Ed’s voice!”
I was referring to the time that Ed made an appearance on live television for the international day of prayer. I had turned on the TV in time to catch the broadcast. Daisy had been snuggled on her favorite fuzzy blanket, eyes squeezed shut, snoring a little. “Please welcome Dr. Ed Silvoso!” the announcer blared.
“What an honor to pray together with believers all over the world…” Ed began to say. As soon as his voice sounded, Daisy jumped up, suddenly wide awake, and let out a loud bark. As Ed began to pray, she ran all over the living room, checking everywhere to see where Ed was. “I can’t believe it, you recognized his voice!” I had said.
Ed smiles as I recount the memory. “You know what it reminds me of?” He says. “It’s like how Jesus said ‘my sheep know my voice’.”
The verse Ed is referring to is John 10:27-28: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
This verse is such a beautiful picture of our relationship with Jesus: he knows each of us uniquely, personally, and deeply. He protects us and gives us the gift of eternal life, which can never be stolen away. Like the sheep or like Daisy, our job is to be alert and ready to listen. Next time you sense the voice of the enemy trying to lie to you and discourage you, choose to instead listen to the voice of the true Shepherd; the one who has defeated death and promises to never leave you. He will never let you down!
– Eutychus
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